Wednesday, 3 July 2013

SpeakOut#17 - Spending time with Children with no Inhibitions! Part 1

Last year at June, my friends and I from college shared a very touching experience in life when we went to spend time with diffrently abled children at the M. G. M. Bethany Shanti Bhavan, Kadamankulam, a place near Mallapally, Pathanamthitta, Kerala. 
M. G. M. Bethany Shanti Bhavan, Kadamankulam

It was part of a Community Outreach Intiative we took from our department at college as our first activity for the year. The thought of doing a good deed and using our time for such an activity itself inspired us to search around for a place which could show students different ways of life. And so we found out M. G. M. Bethany Shanti Bhavan.

Like usual work done around, we collected contributions from well wishers and students and provided the children  with study materials at the School run by the Shanti Bhavan according to their needs. Something we that we learnt at the school was that there is much more value and good done by spending time with the children and being a part of their life than just providing books and pencils. This was also voiced out by Sister Mercilette, the In charge of the Bhavan who we were in touch with; when she came to visit us at college after receiving our invite.

These kids do not need sympathy from you. What they need is your empathy. They are no different from us being God's children. We are all talented in different ways. - Sister Mercilette

Sister Mercilette had a surprise for us when she came to see us first at college. She brought her representatives along from the School. Five cheerful and bubbly students :)
They befriended us so fast when we thought we would have to approach them and make the attempt first. These kids were so cheerful that it was a burst of smiles and happiness everywhere at the department that day! After welcoming them to our college, we promised them we would go and meet the rest of the children at their School the next day and made the trip as said.

We met kids with no inhibitions; knowing only to love and share! Many moments of wonder, joy and care! Individuals with many talents who werent afraid to show it!

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